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9am-5pm EST
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Contact Us/About Us is a retailer of a variety of the most unique coffee related and gourmet kitchen products at truly competitive prices. We are able to offer such great prices because we deliver directly from the manufacturer to our customers, so we do not have to cover additional costs associated with a third party; and so, we pass these savings on to our customers. Additionally, we specialize in offering only the most specialized products so that our customers only pay for exactly the functions they want, and no extras. Similarly, we ensure superior customer service by giving each order individual attention - one of our service representatives is assigned to each order so that a single person handles all the details. is a proud member of Web Direct Brands, Inc. Web Direct Brands, Inc is comprised of a number of companies with the same values and beliefs to bring you, the consumer, the lowest price possible while providing an extraordinary amount of value through quality, service and commitment. Among the list of companies that operate under the same umbrella of top-notch service as are,,, and

Sales, Customer Service and Support Hours (Eastern Time)
Standard Hours of Operation: 9am to 5pm, Monday-Friday
Additional Customer Service Hours Until: 7pm Weekdays, 9am to 5pm Saturday
Tech Support: 9am to 9pm, 7 Days a Week

Toll Free: 1-888-932-4749
Local: (813)792-9412

Live chat by SightMax

Web Direct Brands, Inc.
Customer Service: (813) 969-2000
Administrative Office: (813) 320-0860
Fax: (813) 926-8460

Serving North America, the Caribbean and other international locations. Map to national headquarters, click here.

Web Direct Brands, is an iconic American retailer that never sleeps; we have representatives in all parts of the world working hard to bring unique products to the American market. With over 100 lines of specialty products, we have the expertise and distribution capabilities to bring products to the internet. Uncompromising quality is the cornerstone of all Web Direct Brands, Inc. stores and their products. Web Direct Brands had its start in 2001. Operating Internet based retail websites, it owns and runs a growing number of these websites. These websites are governed by the same dedication to customer support and management principles.

Contact Us/About Us  |  User Agreement  |  See All Products on  |  Customer Satisfaction
Customer Service:1-800-997-6649     |     Local:813-920-7259 (EST 9:00am-5:00pm)
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